The 2 weeks of miserable weather has finally cleared and allowed us another day for field research. In addition, we have a new generator and back-up supply which gives us another level of security just in case.
Phenological Observations - Plot 2: The Oak and Birch both appear to have reached full leaf and the canopy is now very well developed, with the whole of plot 2 looking significantly greener than 2 weeks ago. The brown/grey leaf litter is also gradually being replaced by green bracken and bramble bushes, some of which are producing flower buds.
Fisheye Photo of Plot 2 canopy |
Phenological Observations - Plot 3: While plot 2 has a much more mature canopy; at plot 3 the Sweet Chestnut crowns are still developing, with significant growth even in the higher branches, but the canopy cover is not yet complete and leaves have not yet reached their full size. There is still very little undergrowth, but small shoots, grasses and moss are appearing near to the plot.
Oliver and Chris setting up SALCA at plot 3. |
Phenological observations - Plot 4: Whilst the tree canopies have not changed much here, the undergrowth has exploded and ferns are now growing to head height all around the plot.
Fisheye plot from Plot 4 using the 1040 laser |
19th May 2011
Oliver Gunawan
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