We are pleased to say that the results of the leaf drying
experiments described earlier in the blog, and some additional modelling work,
have now been published online in Remote Sensing of Environment. The paper
demonstrates a good relationship between a normalised ratio of the two SALCA
wavelengths and leaf equivalent thickness and shows the values of this ratio to
be in-line with those expected based on PROSPECT leaf optical properties
modelling. It represents the first test of an active laser scanning instrument
for measuring leaf moisture content. The challenge now of course is to scale
this up to canopy levels - lots more to come on that over the next few months!
You can read more in the final article available online:
Gaulton, R., Danson, F.M., Ramirez, F.A. and Gunawan, O.
(2013). The potential of dual-wavelength laser scanning for estimating
vegetation moisture content. Remote Sensing of Environment, 132, 32-39.