The SALCA team is in Brisbane, Australia, taking part in an international terrestrial laser scanner inter-comparison study. The experiment has been organized as part of the
TLS International Interest Group (TLSIIG) formed at Silvilaser in Vancouver last September. We are joined teams from the US and Australia to compare the data from a range of different TLS instruments for measuring forest canopy structure at two sites close to Brisbane.
The University of Boston and University of Massachusetts have brought the Dual Wavelength Echidna Lidar (DWEL) and the short range but handy Canopy Biomass Lidar (CBL), the Queensland Government Department for Science, Innovation, Technology, Innovation and the Arts (DSITIA) and TERN (University of Queensland) a Riegl 400VZ, and the University of Southern Queensland a Faro Focus 3D.
First obstacle overcome: SALCA makes it in one piece to Australia much to the relief of Mark, Steve, Rachel and Lucy |
After spending a day carrying out calibration measurements in the lab we collected the first field data today at Karawatha Forest Park just south of Brisbane. The plots we are using are part of the Australian Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) and the field experiments are coordinated by John Armston (DSITIA) and Glen Newnham (CSIRO). They have done a great job and we had over 30 scientists in the field today.
Another first for the SALCA team: Lucy looks pleased after collecting the first dual wavelength TLS data in the southern hemisphere! |
Glen Newnham (CSIRO) takes a close look at SALCA |
More on the TLSIIG experiments from TERN