SALCA was scanning at Alice Holt, Surrey, UK, last week. The weather was showery and cold but Mark and Lucy managed to scan an Oak plot that is subject to long-term monitoring by Forest Research, and three additional plots where we will destructively sample three Oak trees in early July for woody biomass and total leaf area. We aim to test the application of SALCA for determining leaf area distributions, and the leaf-on leaf-off scans will allows us to test the use of SALCA's two wavelengths for automatic point cloud classification and separation of leaf hits from wood hits.
Full resolution SALCA scan in Oak plot at Alice Holt |
Eric Casella (UK Forest Research) is coordinating the experiment and he has been busy scanning the various plots with a Leica TLS. He scanned the birch tree area below in leaf-off conditions and destructively sampled three of the trees for total woody biomass. This is really the 'gold standard' for biomass validation but the work involved is truly heroic. Cutting the trees down is just the start...
Now the hard work really starts...
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